sản phẩm chủ lực Tp.HCM

Beverage products were one of the key industrial product lines of Ho Chi Minh City in the period of 2018-2020. In particular, Bidrico’s Restore salty lemon drink was not only a drink to quench thirst and refresh…

At the recently held meeting on announcing key industrial and agricultural product groups in Ho Chi Minh City for the period of 2018-2020, Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade announced a list of key product groups and outstanding enterprises and brands, including Tan Quang Minh Manufacture and Trading Co., Ltd. (Bidrico).

sản phẩm chủ lực Tp.HCM

Regarding industry, the city identified 7 key industrial product groups and 1 potential industrial product group, including beverage products. These were product groups with high competitiveness, large production capacity, domestic or export market potential, and significant contributions to the total domestic product and economic development of the City.

In the food and beverage product group, Bidrico had many outstanding products such as Restore salty lemon drink, bottled drinking water, etc.

According to Bidrico, Restore salty lemon drink contains salted lemon juice fermented naturally using the traditional method from fresh lemons. Fresh lemons are carefully selected, washed and then soaked in salt water. Next, salted lemons are dried in the sun for 2-6 months, and finally pressed to collect the salted lemon juice. In particular, salted lemon juice is increased to 11%, without any coloring.

This salted lemon juice contains the nutritional ingredients of lemons including: potassium minerals, pectin (fiber), carbohydrates, easily recognizable plant compounds such as citric acid (creating sour taste) and D-limonene (aroma of lemon essential oil)…

Restore salty lemon drink helps you feel more refreshed and dynamic

Every day, when people exercise like competing, practicing sports, playing, working, working outdoors in the hot sun, etc. activities make you sweaty and consume a lot of energy. Mineral salts will be lost through sweat, causing the body to become tired, reduce energy, and become less dynamic. At this time, drinking Restore salty lemon drink will replenish lost water and mineral salts including potassium and sodium, providing the necessary amount of water, mineral salts, and energy, enough to make you feel refreshed and dynamic again and quickly restore your health.

Bidrico representative said: “In hot weather and in the condition of rough labor, drinking a cool glass of Restore salty lemon will help you cool down and get energy back immediately. In addition, Restore salty lemon drink has cold properties so it also has the effect of clearing heat, reducing symptoms of flatulence, stimulating digestion, treating coughs, flu and helping to lose weight.”

Selected as a key product of Ho Chi Minh City for the period of 2018-2020, Mr. Nguyen Dang Hien, General Director of Bidrico, said the company was very honored and proud that its efforts for more than 25 years in the market was recognized. In the coming time, the company will continue to improve and launch products that are truly natural and best for consumers’ health. The trend of customers is also increasingly choosing products that are natural, friendly and good for the body.

“A product chosen by Ho Chi Minh City as a key product in industry and agriculture will be a huge advantage for enterprises, because it affirms the strength of the product in the market and enterprises can access capital with low interest rates and support in advertising and promotion programs. The effect from the initially selected enterprises will spread to other enterprises, encouraging them to manufacture better quality products to compete and serve domestic and export consumers” – Mr. Hien commented.

The key product will receive many incentives

According to the leaders of the City Department of Industry and Trade, there were many support policies for enterprises with selected key industrial products such as capital, land, science and technology, human resources, etc. The City was also provided and supported to promote, build brands, have appropriate policies and introduce these key products in domestic and foreign promotion conferences.
